
A compendium for luxury living
2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers

How the industry’s top talents plan to approach the new year

Jade Bloomfield
By Jade Bloomfield, Editor

A new year equals a new start. It’s a time for resolutions – whether personal or professional – and a perfect opportunity to reboot and refresh your interior design for the year ahead. Creating a serene, stylish home, after all, encourages happy, healthy living, which in turn will help you to make the most out of 2017. Not sure whether to embrace a new colour, experiment with different finishes or go eco-friendly? Take inspiration from the goals and mantras of these leading interior designers.

Karen Howes, Founder and Chief Executive at Taylor Howes

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Karen Howes | Taylor Howes |
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“For our brand, there are a few themes and trends that we plan to embrace next year. One of our design resolutions is to champion black hues – we’re seeing a lot of very dark and moody finishes in both matte and gloss. I have to say, though, we are still loving our signature colour – navy blue. Dyed parchment is also going to be big for 2017. Other trends that will be noteworthy are vintage style light fittings, lots of raffia and rattan on chairs, and especially the Scandinavian companies’ style in both lighting and furniture – a more relaxed look is on its way!”

BA Torrey

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | BA Torrey |
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“This year, I’d like to focus on finding or developing beautiful, sophisticated, very adult decorative elements and finishes that are also child and pet-friendly. It’s important to me that my clients are able to live worry-free, but I don’t want to sacrifice style for function. Sophisticated, glamorous yet “bomb-proof” living is what I’m going for in 2017!”

Elise Som

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Elise Som |
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“2017 is a crucial year for global warming. Our brand is committed to offering new sustainable materials and chemical-free, organic products. We all have to do our “part” to protect our only planet. We want to show people that using vegan leather can be as beautiful as cow or other exotic skins, yet it is cruelty-free. The livestock industry produces more greenhouse gas emission than anything else today. Using leather is only encouraging the industry to continue further down the wrong path. Therefore we are being proactive by replacing all of our leather furniture with vegan leather and other fabrics.”

Neal Beckstedt

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Neal Beckstedt |
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“My new year resolutions for 2017 is to use more colour, textures, and patterns in my work. I always love incorporating natural colours into my projects, but this year I am eager to experiment more with bolder shades and tactile finishes. It’s a great feeling to constantly push yourself outside of your comfort zone – it can be very rewarding on so many levels.”

Staffan Tollgard

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Staffan Tollgard |
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“2017 is going to be the year for special pieces and mindful design. We are going to continue to seek out artisans and furniture makers from around the world that bring passion and expertise to their work, both for our Design Store and our private clients.  We want to help our clients invest in heirloom pieces that both tell their stories and enhance their lives. And on that note: as designers, can we encourage new hobbies and healthier lifestyles? In increasingly hectic lives how can the home act as a haven? Helping to plan healthier, happier homes for our own and our client’s families is probably the most important resolution we will make.”

Thomas Pheasant

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Thomas Pheasant |
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“This year, I am more determined than ever to set time aside to focus on my personal evolution in classical design. As with most design offices, project demands and managing a studio can often dominate my days, and time seems to fly by. Through exciting new projects, my STUDIO Collection and my upcoming Collection for Baker Fall 2017, I have the perfect platform to express my new ideas in modern classical design. The key to this resolution is that I have made myself a promise to spend more time in my Paris apartment. It’s the one place I can go to clear my head and be inspired. I cannot think of a more exciting way to spend 2017.”

Louise Wicksteed, Creative Director at 1508 London

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Louise Wickstead |
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“Following a politically turbulent year, we are set to see a rise in reactionary aesthetics for 2017. Look out for steel, brass and, of course, a continued use of copper. Note different uses of texture; a move towards grittier surfaces will contrast with high gloss luxury, whilst achieving a look that is just as opulent. There will still be room for a more ornate style – accented dark walls and rich jewel tones will be juxtaposed with a subtle combination of neutral shades, such as blush pink and soft grey.”

René Dekker

2017 Interior Resolutions from Top Interior Designers | Rene Dekker |
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“My resolution for 2017 is to push our clients, even more, to explore avenues that they would not normally consider. For interiors to be exciting they require not only what the client thinks they want but also the designer’s experience and expertise as well as a liberal sprinkling of colour, texture and finishes. Rooms should be visually stimulating but also have a few understated elements that are discovered once you have been in them for a little while. The final solution should be equally exciting and luxurious as it should be functional. And don’t be afraid of gold, it can be used to great effect without being overwhelming or showy!”
